

May 06, 2023


LVD has introduced the D-Cell robotic bending cell. The system combines a 50-ton hydraulic press brake with programming software and a KUKA industrial robot.

The compact system handles production of a variety of parts in different lot sizes quickly and economically, the company states.

The PPED press brake offers rigid construction, a welded one-piece frame, and servo-controlled hydraulic system. With a 2,000-mm working length and 4-axis backgauge, it handles part sizes from 35 by 100 mm to 400 by 600 mm and part weights to 4 kg.

CADMAN automatic programming software generates the bending and robot program automatically in 10 min. and then takes 10 min. for setup and first part production. No robot teaching is needed.

A universal robot gripper bends up to three flanges without regripping and moves easily between tool stations, the company states.