

May 30, 2023

Testing Part Stiffness? No Need To Re

If one is serious about testing the stiffness of materials or parts, there's nothing quite like doing your own tests. And thanks to [JanTec]'s 3-Point Bending Test rig, there's no need to reinvent the wheel should one wish to do so.

Some simple hardware, a couple spare pieces of 3030 T-slot extrusion, a few 3D-printed parts, and a dial indicator all come together to create a handy rig that will let one get straight to measuring.

Here is how it works: stiffness of a material is measured by placing a sample between two points and applying a known force to the middle of the sample. This will cause the material to bend, and measuring how far a standardized sample deforms under a known amount of force (normally accomplished by a dial indicator) is how one can quantify a material's stiffness.

When a material talks about its Young's modulus (E) value, it's talking about stiffness. A low Young's modulus means a material is more elastic, a high value means the material is more stiff. (This shouldn't be confused with strength or toughness, which are more about resistance to non-recoverable deformation, and resistance to fracture, respectively.)

Interested in results, but don't want to get busy doing your own testing? Someone's already been there and done that: here's a great roundup of measurements of 3D-printed parts, using different filaments.